Why do you make the player have to enter the letter of the choice? It would work much better if you just click your choice. The quiz is very easy for fans of the Simpsons.
Everyone I know this isn't very good but it's the first quiz I made. The things you might think are gliches but are not is the part where you type in your guess, when you click continue and try to type in the nest answer and nothing shows up is because the answer from the last question is still there so hit backspace. All of the correct answers of this quiz are true, you may not agree with me but I did lots of rechearch. GO TO EXFUGA.COM TO TAKE THIS QUIZ WITH HIGH SCORES
Why do you make the player have to enter the letter of the choice? It would work much better if you just click your choice. The quiz is very easy for fans of the Simpsons.
good... but bad.
This was good... but bad. you know what i mean?
to fuking esay
to fuking esay the only hard one was who plays krusty the clowns voice and when did the first simpson episode start
it isant that good but i found this when i serched for the word
glitches lol
not a bad game....
but the questions were easy!!