the CATHOLICS can go to hell for buttraping all those altarboys, and the Jews got what they had comming to them AKA Hitler. Then theres the anti-gay protestants.
Ok have FUN this is a movie ASW made
the CATHOLICS can go to hell for buttraping all those altarboys, and the Jews got what they had comming to them AKA Hitler. Then theres the anti-gay protestants.
i think it was bad...
i didnt like it, had no humour, nutin, and i hate protestants as much as the next guy, but... damn...
blatant ripoffs
hmm, is it just me or are those the characters from TOMORROW'S NOBODIES. i have some more advice: hit puberty.
It really didn't have a plot.
How dare u take someones flash series, fuck it up to hell and call it your own, GET A FUCKING LIFE AND HIT PUBERTY ALREADY U POS!
And for all u dipshits who think this is good, ITS STOLEN!!