Summertime in wintertime, wow.
Trying to stay warm in a cruel and unforgiving winter? Come on down to Apri City Beach to catch some rays! All of these fine folks have had the same bright idea!
The Summertime in Wintertime Collab is finally live (even though it only closed 3 days ago). I ran this collab in the hopes of making everyone feel better about the cold weather. Featuring 95 entries from 84 collaborators, including yours truly, I'm really pleased with the turnout. Check out the original thread (including endless requests from me for links) here!
Stay tuned for the Wimmelbilder!
Summertime in wintertime, wow.
You guys did a great job on this!
thanks anthonytoons
Now I got 3 trophies, so i am sorry for get angry in this collab :)
Some cool pics. Quite a few were so unexpected and that's what I like from a collab. You all rock, have a great day.
Finally it worked. no idea why ruffle been giving me errors. oh well.
nice work everyone.
Sorry about ruffles errors. Thanks for the message Zake Wait a tic, I dont how to fix the ruffle heh heh, :/