good game :) is good, enjoyed
+Minus "recalculated" Is a remasterd version of my classic game "+Minus" from 2017.
This is NOT a sequal but more of a remasterd as i said.
+Minus is a fast past arcade-like shooter in which you control your ship + aim to collect "-" to level up and get most points. More enemies and power ups will spawn the longer you play and the higher your level will be.
A compact but useful and easy to read manual can be found in the game itself which makes it easy to pick up and play.
Hope you enjoy!
2024 05/13 - 1.00.5
This update mainly fixes some smaller bugs and made the gameplay a bit smoother. At the end, it was to much of a cluster fuck and the "O"s could take overhand very easy, so i lowerd some maxx numbers, made the firerate a bit faster and fixed some things in the progress.
2024 02/27 - 1.00 Release
+Minus Recalculated is finally done and i can call it the "1.00" release. I add some things, changed a lot things..just read the patchnotes XD But yea, its worth now calling "done" because its, by now, more than just a remaster but more of a reimagen. Hope you enjoy!
---1.00 Release---
2024 02/19
The game still has a hardcore difficulty curve when ever the last enemies are able to spawn. I had to change that and lowerd the spawn rate a bit, added something like a "health" power up which appiers the more enemies you destroy.
I also overworked the plasma which leaves now a "trail" and bringing back the new overworked homing shot.
2024 02/17
Some of the enemies should be hard to avoid or hard in bigger numbers. The last enemies which "do" appier seem to be the bigger "problems" the player has to work with. Sadly, it felt also like a bit unfair as soon as they "poped" up. I had to make some changes to them to fight them easier back with lowering thier HP and Numbers.
I also had put down the "Homing Shot" power up. It was more of a gimic-thing than anything "usefull" so i replaced it with a shot gun weapon. Also new is the Plasma weapon, the most powerful weapon which flies through anything.
2024 02/15
2024 02/14 "Patch" 3
2024 02/14 "Patch" 2
+Minus is a fast placed game. I wanted to add more infos for the player but didnt want to make it "to cramped up" on the eyes or to much counters and numbers "if" you have literally to control your ship AND aim at the same time. You might dont even have the time to react to what is going on and adding more would make it hard for the player.
So i added only 2 more HUD counters which are the near already "thin" line of your health points for the Shield and Powerup time.
As for said Powerup you "get", i was first thinking about to add a "flashing" effact or something to the HUD but thought that maybe a "voice" would do better so you can react faster to it and "KNOW" what you actually got the moment you collect it. Hope that helps!
2024 02/14 "Patch" 1
Thanks for the Daily 3rd on 24/02/14! Thats something haha ^^ I was actually thinking and worried i would get "blammed" with this game since it was still in an early state but i will keep updating it a bit more as i said. In fact i will update it later today to fix and add some smaller things! Again: Thanks everyone! :D
2024 02/13
Overworking the manual, making it easier to read the "important" parts (colored in blue now).
2024 02/12
Prerelease/ in a playable state
good game :) is good, enjoyed
I really enjoy the arcade simplicity of this game. Having easily distinguishable shapes means being able to keep with the fast paced action without being overwhelmed by visual clutter. The only thing missing here is gamepad support as a matter of preference for the player.
In the mather of fact i would love to add something like that. Though, there will be still things added to the game - one of them IS a powerup which might actually "needs" the mouse - in which the said gamepad wouldnt be "as good as" playing it with mouse.
Still, love that not only me had controllers in mind and would love to add that (srsly wish i could). ^^
+ or - ???
no wait... XD