The protagonist is Kalakaua Mahinulani, prince of PahilĂ, who must prove himself worthy of the throne by entering in Kahewai Island, where he must collect 8 hidden jewels on the island. Once he has them, he must return to his boat to return home.
But you must hurry, because soon the island will be flooded. In fact, every night the island begins to flood and predators appear. Roger must hurry to collect the treasures and leave before it's too late, because he can't swim.
On your adventure, you will need to find these 4 tools:
You can only use the torch a limited number of times. Pick up matches from downed enemies to continue using it.
You can also find hearts to recover your life gauge.
The 8 relics to retrieve:
If you move slowly, you don't activate traps!
If you return to the boat without all treasures, you will be informed about the number of treasures pending to collect on the island.
Thanks to Azter for the sprites!