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Pouchie The Cat Alpha 0.4.9

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FIRST UPDATE OF 2024! Sorry for the long haitus. Got hit with a bad case of burnout, and wasn't able to focus on the project. That being said, I was able to put in a bunch of new content, which should keep the game fresh! And all in time to submit to the Finally Finish Something GameJam!

Welcome to Pouchie's game! He's excited to play the game and have fun. This game demo features one full level with coins to collect, enemies to squash, and a building to reach in order to end the game. All game assets are custom made as a call-back to classic platformer games, while also keeping a black and white aesthetic, which matches Pouchie's theme (pronounced P-oo-ch-ee), as he was originally inspired by the old Black and White cartoons, popularized by Fleischer Studios and that other one.

Hopefully you enjoy this small project of mine!

Find my social media here! Also feel free to donate to help support the project: https://linktr.ee/ThatElfNerd

What's new for Alpha 0.4.9:

  • NEW LEVELS FOR WORLD 2: Not every level planned for World 2 has been completed, but there are two brand new levels to play through.
  • WORLD 2 BOSS: Not all the levels have been completed, but the boss is ready for you guys to try! The boss is a Giant Fun-Guy who can't be touched because of his protective spores. But if you trip him with a cannonball, the spores will deactivate, and you can hit him! Warning: this boss is HARD
  • WEAPON UPGRADE: Pouchie can now find and access a special new weapon, The Mallet! The mallet gives Pouchie a new way to squash mobs, as well as being able to break certain breakable objects. To unlock the mallet, defeat the first boss
  • CRATES: There are now wooden crates occasionally placed across the different levels. Smashing them open with the mallet can reveal some goodies!
  • NEW POWER-UPS: Pouchie now has access to two new power-ups! The Cone of Shame and the Catnip. The Cone of Shame grants one extra defense point, giving Pouchie a better chance to survive some encounters. Careful though! If he falls into a pit, he loses it! These power-ups are almost EXCLUSIVELY found in crates. The Catnip gives Pouchie a temporary speed boost which comes with it's own music! Said power-up will stop once the music stops. These power-ups are almost EXCLUSIVELY found in crates.
  • BLOBBER PIPES: You know how the opening cutscene showed Blobbers entering Pouchie's world through pipes? Now some pipes will spawn Blobbers! They won't spawn however if Pouchie's too close to the pipe.
  • INTRO UPDATE: The intro for Pouchie The Cat now features him using his trusty mallet, until he loses it when Boomer kicks him away. Also, a couple of Public Domain cameos, just for funsies!
  • GAME CONTROL GUIDE: In every level, there will be guides for which button will do what. So far, I can get it to swap between keyboard and XBox controllers.


  • Changed the gravity drop to be harsher for Pouchie, hopefully fixing the "Floaty" critiques of before.
  • Fixed issue where the player's max health and starter lives didn't reset after turning off no-hit and one-life gamemodes.

Known issues:

  • If Pouchie jumps into two spore patches at once, he loses two hearts instead of losing the one.
  • For some reason, the conversations with Sasha the Rabbit can be skipped through before all the dialogue has shown up in the dialog box.
  • Fun-Guy spores collision shapes aren't affecting Pouchie

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Hey !
Congrats on finishing your game ! I've been where you are and I know how it feels. Happy that you're back at it !
Now, for the bad part, Newgrounds being here to be judged...
Overall the game is a nice platformer. A few things could still be fixed:
-skipping the intro or at least be able to let rool while I do something else (I'm forced to watch the animation, EVERYTIME I start a game)
-Perhaps get a bigger hitbox for the monsters. I often hit slightly the side of the monsters and still get hit. Strangely, As I'm writing this message, I'm able to push some of them without taking any damage in level 1. (does not happen elsewhere for me).
-The walljumps my dude, they're sooooooooo HARD to land.
-I've been standing still while writing this message, hoping that the boot would eventually hit me hahaha (it's not a bug, it's a feature I guess !). Anyway all bad joke aside, the boot often has a hard time doing any damage to me (even while jumping on me), Is it, normal?
-Level 5 platforms are so hard to reach, they're double checking the cialis packaging

Positive: there a huge rage-game potrential to this game and it would incredibly funny !

Credits & Info

3.48 / 5.00

Feb 4, 2024
11:29 AM EST
  • Godot Engine
  • Affinity Designer
  • Pixel Studio