needs more work
Well this could have been better if it had more flash style stuff like animation and more, so maybe re-work it somehow
better luck next time
This is our newest series. We had so much fun with RageFactor X that we had to do this. In this episode it is just the beginning of NG. This is something like 60% fiction so I don't piss too many people off. But enjoy.
I read a review that said that the title was misleading. In the next episode you will know all of the little mysteries.
needs more work
Well this could have been better if it had more flash style stuff like animation and more, so maybe re-work it somehow
better luck next time
dude if ur gonna make a movie use flash
and im pretty darn surprised if this was flash cuse u don't use any tweens this movie is really bad get flash if u gonna make movies
^^Good Points^^
Surprisingly, I found this to be a bit humorous. The jokes like "that's about as likely as me getting married" are ironic and still funny. I like how you subtlely make fun of each character.
^^Needs Improving^^
The graphics are aweful. You drawings are very poor, and just copy/paste jobs and there are really no animations except for very slow movement of characters. There was no sound and sometimes the text went away way too quickly to read. Other times it seemed like the movie just stopped playing because of how slow this moved.
i didn't watch it all
I only watch movies that have effort into them
this had none
try again
with sound,graphics,animation,and more effort
wtf retard.
why did you even make this, its not funny in any way, with the exception of the overall retardedness of your shitty ass movie. i don't know how any of your stuff even got protected.