Ain't no fucking way someone is gonna achive that 500K medal
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@PukeBomb presents...
Aging back to the prehistoric era, before the meteoric decimation of all living life (barring a few protozoa), stood one Dino who just wouldn't call it quits. This guy, right here, made a vow to his loving family that he would surmount the highest possible point on Mount Brownieberg. With nothing but the nutrients suckled from sprinkles and luke-warm ice cream cones did this two-legged, four-spiked, fucking FIEND overcome the most historic obstacle known to Dino-kind.
You. Will be his guide.
You. Will be his master.
Are you up for the task?
This is a window into a past time in which you may alter her-story.
Will you ensure Dino's tremendous self-fulfilling prophecy, or will you stand idly as he melts in shame?
You better practice... because you have no idea what's in store.
Will you be able to beat Joshi's highest score?
Esc to return
Don’t quit the game
Pass a platform - 1pt
Collect an ice cream - 3pts
A & D or < > for movement
Space for jump
(The longer you wait, the higher you jump)
Don’t die, get 1M points, loser
If the game is too hard, you just can’t take the heat…
Concept / Asset Art / Music - @septicsebi
Programming / SFX / Additional Assets - @thiccastley
Background Art / Music - @dakieattackie
Programming Assistance - @zabujard / @NickSenny
Beta Testing - @Nattosumi / @Bro-son / @NickSenny
Patreon PukePals
Alexanne Marousis
You can support PukeBomb on Patreon to become a "PukePatron" or "PukePal."
We supply behind the scenes images / videos / concepts / updates of our works in progress.
The "PukePatron" tier gets you the above posts and a thank you in the video description, but update to be a "PukePal" and be forever etched in history within the actual video's credits.
Ain't no fucking way someone is gonna achive that 500K medal
You're just not dino enough then, I guess.....
i suck 💔
i killed him 💔
you fucking degenerate
942! 7th place in the All-Time High Scores! Comin for that 1k next time!
This game is so awesome sauce
what are you talking about