wasn't this game a mario game before?
Oh no! President Ng has been kidnapped by Gingerbread (from Bird Tapper And the Great Krampusnacht Cleansing)!
It's up to Bird Tapper to rescue him.
Basically, it's a play on Super Mario Bros but without loading screens and with multiple paths to choose from. Try to beat the game as quickly as possible!
Hope you like it!
Programming: WaterSilverC
Art: ProsciuttoMan
Music: Teravex
Guest Track: "He's My Bird (Tapper)", Dry
wasn't this game a mario game before?
I like the music a lot. Some it sounds a lot like snoopy concert, especially the underground theme. 10/10
so retro
Well it's Super Mario Bros but with a new coat of paint, no loading screens and no lives. I like the graphics, the music is good and the changing paths is a fun idea. The controls feel worse than in Super Mario Bros which makes it less fun to play. It's not bad but it's not amazing.