Pretty Good...
you might wanna make this movie longer and, more violence, plus, i think it would be cool if you made a video game out of this
I learned alot while working on this,
and now that I look at it I realize that I should have done many things differently, but it was a learning experience.
Its a quick d/l, so please check it out.
Pretty Good...
you might wanna make this movie longer and, more violence, plus, i think it would be cool if you made a video game out of this
Good but endingless
Good but could of been longer and more violence.
he looks like a guy i kno...
n those realistic! but why can't it be continued now?? i want to know what happens:\
Damn it Litman!!!
Yous fo' real, kicks dope illustratunz!!! Da sound wuz pumpin'ad' core BPM's. I'z dun gone an puts yous in me Favorite Artist locka' now. Keep rollin' out dees mutha'-fukin' massuv kronik joints! Boyakasha!!!
World Peas,
Wow, that was so well animated. It 0wN3d!!! wtf is with all these ppl giving it bad reviews. I swear! just cause it was over 'before' the fight scene :| In any cause I've learnt a lot too from this. I'm gonna save it to look at later ^_^ I like your style. what do you use? Wacom tablet? do you draw it all in flash or do you scan? etc...
anyways, you've got the potential to have some of the best stuff on Newgrounds... you've certainly got the skillz ^_^