not too shabby
not too shabby
I do have a lot of criticisms of this game, mainly having to do with the presentation of it.
For example, there are several points where text doesn't match up horizontally. Not sure what program this was made in, but you can align things better by putting a long vertical line on the side where you can place the text in reference to that to keep it more straight.
The text in the options menu is also quite hard to read. Possibly you can add a light green background with a gradient, similar to the buttons?
Also be sure that scaling objects makes them not fit in with the theme due to varying line thickness, such as the spike balls as compared to the player. Try to scale the thickness accordingly so everything matches up, and things like the terrain might look better if they have similar outlines.
I notice a lot of the game looks unintentionally pixelly. There are a few art programs (such as the one I use being FireAlpaca, wink wink) that fix it with a process called "anti-aliasing" that smooths out the pixels. It has shape tools as well, so I think you can use it to your advantage.
I also think it would help greatly if you could put the instructions in the description so players wouldn't have to exit the game just to review controls.
Also note that multiplayer seems to be the exact same as singleplayer? I could be wrong, but if there was a splitscreen multiplayer that would be pretty sick.
Not sure if this is intentional, but controls get kinda finicky next to walls and while going diagonally, and it's very disorienting.
Hey, I know that a 1.5 sounds bad, but I think a concept like this could work. Just take a look at The World's Hardest Game as a frame of reference.
I think with time, you can be a much better designer and make some of the craziest games out there. Just be sure to study the style and presentation of games you like and go from there.