This had extreme potential to become something like IWBTG, only if there were longer and more levels. Other then that, I give it a 2.5, Didn't expand too much on it's idea.
Wasd and Spacebar. The traps all think they are human, and have a mind of their own...
This had extreme potential to become something like IWBTG, only if there were longer and more levels. Other then that, I give it a 2.5, Didn't expand too much on it's idea.
thanks for playing.
Was fun to play and very creative.
Hmmm.. I like the idea.. Could have so much more done with it... Not sure how I feel about a trap that isn't supposed to move jumping around but that is a rough one. If they do too many things they may as well just be enemies, if they do too few things the game becomes boring. One thing you could have are different kinds of traps and enemies that all interact with the traps and you. Maybe have a way to become 'friends' with types of traps? Just saying I see potential in this. As it stands it isn't too much of anything special but it also doesn't completely suck. Flush it out right and it could be pretty great.
Definitely the silliest humans ever.