we should nuke afghanistan
I made this on windows movie maker XP plus then put it into a flash format (56k users beware)I hope you nuked Bin Laden.
we should nuke afghanistan
love the voice he sounds like some prepy douche love the animation very nice and love how u dissed that dude who said it sucked that was fucking hilarious
f**k u Din Ladin
I like like that. If this really happened in Afganstan, George W. Bush will send the troops home.
True True but it should have relly happened
Nice animation..
Nice, but he should have sounded like a Saudi or whatever he is.
I tried but when ever I do that voice i mess up so i just did that one I made him sound like a prick
well um
it wasn't that funny but the animation was top notch
thank you it was hard to make the movie itself i wasn't that worried about the jokes though