The most boring assassination game in the world.
The game is STUPIDLY easy because for one, there are no penalties for missing a shot, and two, the difficulty can be EASILY stubbed out by just using an autoclicker and camping around a purple portal, so you can just spawn camp all you want minus the dumbasses that complain about spawn camping ruining the game. I mean, why else would you wanna get spammed with enemies you can't possibly kill in time before they reach to you fast? Your bullets do not pierce through enemies, so you're going to be killing way slower than enemies draining your health. This means that the very enemy you click on ONLY kills them and not including any other enemy that's in way of your fire.
There's no sound OR animations, and the cherry on top of it: NO GAME OVER SCREEN. You can't "lose," which is to say losing would've meant your health being 0 or lower, meaning this game is something you cannot win nor lose.