make it so we can drop items so our inventory doesn't get clogged
makostacks Productions Presents:
Madness Survival
Developer: makostacks Games
Publisher: makostacks Productions
Adapted from Source Code from: KamBoom on Microstudio
About The Game
After his many encounters with Tricky, Hank must do the very thing he is best at, survive. In this 2D Minecraft like you play as Hank and you must survive, build, and eat in order to stay alive. Play in randomly generated maps. Get to safe houses and build campfires to keep you from death by weather. Craft throughout the game to make a house and camps throughout the world. Use the custom seed option to play on pre-created maps. And most importantly of all make sure Hank can survive.
Main Theme Music:
Loneliness |8-bit Relaxing Music by Pixel Music
Movement: WASD or Arrows
Gather Items: Hold Right or Left Click
Open Boxes: E
Crafting: C
make it so we can drop items so our inventory doesn't get clogged
make sure your game works right before posting
Cute little game, super calming!