This is quite funny and I liked it - quite good fun :P
it's not really a game but more of a stupid PISS TAKE of those public information posters that you see. its a kind of crime prevention test with a difference. protect your property the vigilante way.... it's only a small download so give it a go.
for those with short attention span.. just click on any of the answers and sit back and watch the "correct" way to protect your property.
note: theres actually a bit of video linked on there somewhere where you can see footaqe of a guy robbing a lorry.. but its a trap and they drive around with him in the back making him look like a fool.
This is quite funny and I liked it - quite good fun :P
Above average
Alright! Some amazing illustration, as well as font use and superbly cool style.
All-around amusing, some noticable effort, and some all around awesomeness of coolness all compacted into an all-around above average flashwork. Good job.
It was unsuspecting at first but the last question made me laugh.
That was funny!
I thought it was a serious test at first. That was funny as hell!
it wus ok
this game was ok but needs just a little bit mor to be a big hit.
To every beginning there is an end. Are you a survivor?