0/10 sound design the stupid hamster things sound annoying, get better sounds 1diot
0/10 music my ears uuere bleeding all the time, get better music dummy
0/10 creativity, i mean who would believe hamster pixies or fairies or uuhatever exist ad give out sunflouuer seeds, like for just thinking of such a concept u must be intellilectually challegned or something
0/10 animal abuse um uuhy are u forcing these hamster to this, very cringe, uuill contact peta
0/10 sunflouuuer pot, looks dry af, uuhy is no one uuatering it, this is plant abuse
0/10 clothes, all the clothes are stupid and dumb and have no cultureal significance, and a lot cultural appriotatiron too, u should be cancled for this
0/10 background, its so dull and lame and stupid and dum
0/10 mechancis, i hate these types of games so automatically it uuas lame from the getgo
0/10 game : i cant believe i spent my money and time on this, this is uuhy neuugrounds is fialing nouuadays since fnf, smh smh
ok so for my overall revie:
10/10 pretty good i had fun in the end