Kin-dza-dza! (Russian: Кин-дза-дза!) is a 1986 Soviet film released by the Mosfilm studio and directed by Georgiy Daneliya, with a story by Georgiy Daneliya and Revaz Gabriadze. It is a dystopian science-fiction black comedy in which two male humans from Earth accidentally travel through space, meeting two aliens from the Kin-dza-dza star system and their post-apocalypstic world.
Ku! Kin-dza-dza (rus. Ку! Кин-дза-дза) is a 2013 Russian animated science fiction film by Georgy Danelia. It is an animated remake of Danelia's 1986 live-action film Kin-dza-dza!. Although it preserves much of the original movie's social commentary, Ku! Kin-dza-dza is notably less dark and dystopian than original, and more targeted towards youth and an international audience. The film is mainly traditionally animated with some computer animation in it.