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So you decided to get a job as a janitor in Moonville? It was a bad idea... The moon here affects everything quite mystically... even in the snow...


-Walking - Arrows/WASD

-Jump - Space/Up/W

-Snow removal - Z/J

-Dash - X/K

-Hit - C/L

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You have some pretty good stuff here, fun artstyle, music that really fits the atmosphere, but the game really needs some fixing. First off, the control scheme is funky. I'm on a pretty small keyboard, and using the spacebar for jumping feels so bad and puts a lot of strain on my hands. To fix this, you could have tied jump to up arrow as well as space, not like it's being used for anything. Or if you're intent on not having an up to jump option, try tying your keys to QWE as opposed to ZXC so that using space to jump is a lot more comfortable, I mean just resting your hands on those keys feels nice. Also, snow removal and hit could be the exact same thing, they don't need to be separate. That way, the control scheme could be up to jump, hit/snow removal x, and dash z. One last thing, I have a hard time distinguishing between snow, enemies, and whatever the crap those snowballs are for, so I'll use snow removal on an enemy rather than snow and lose all of my progress. Maybe adding an extra color or two into the mix could really help, even just a couple touches of washed out red could sell the fact that that's an enemy, not snow.

Overall, a pretty good game with poor execution of its mechanics. A clean nokia/gameboy esque artstyle is both a selling point and a hinderance. Maybe add some controller support. (If there isn't already)

(Edit) Thanks so much for the up to jump feature! Really helps with comfort for my arrow keys/zxc playstyle! That extra color also helps a lot with clarity and figuring out what is what. I've bumped my review from 3 to 4 stars. Keep up the good work and have fun with your future projects!

Marffnin responds:

ok in 1.6.1 i fixed controls and added extra color

Credits & Info

3.16 / 5.00

Jun 7, 2023
5:01 AM EDT