That was horrible.
Your animation skills need tuning. And boy, you are one sick person. You should probably practice more.
ok, its not done, the reason i put it one here is because i'm having problems with it. when i test it out when its in .FLA format it plays good. but when i play it in .SWF format it lags. so i want to know if its just my computer or there's a trick to getting it just right. can somebody help me out?
That was horrible.
Your animation skills need tuning. And boy, you are one sick person. You should probably practice more.
Total Crap.
Alright. That was plain horrible. You showed the guy having sex, which you thought the song was about.Listen to the whole song friend. In a part it goes. " Okay, Annie, listen. I dont want to make SEX eat chocolate, look at animals, no. I consider making a new submission.
A reluctant rating of 1
I would've given this a 0 but knowing that you are somewhat confident with a horrible flash, that gets credit. Sucks!!! so bad!!! I wanna strangle a wallabe with a piano wire and feed it to rabid koalas smoking cheese with Adam Sandler's rotten homosexual cactus.
The song was ok so meh.
Such good examples
You have issues
bang bang bang
you nedd help
bang bang bang
give the guy a dick
bang bang bang
That is it
bang bang bang
There are qutie a few flashes with disturbing themes but a few are either
A; Very well drawn/animated etc. (datas first emotoin)
B; There is a strong point for making them
This was neither and it wasn't even finished. Wasn't any drag though.