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Pico Rogues His Way Through The School

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Asparagia 25 Points

Use a melee weapon so much it breaks 4 times in a run

Dementia 25 Points

Shoot kids 16 times in a run

Parentia 25 Points

Kill 64 kids in a run

Cyclopia 5 Points

Annihilate the one-eyed kid

Vampiria 10 Points

Bash the skull of the telekinetic child

Ninja 25 Points

Slice the weaboo toddler in half

Cassandr(i)a 50 Points

Win the game as Pico

Cassandr(ii)a 50 Points

Win the game as Asparagus

Cassandr(iii)a 50 Points

Win the game as Person

Cassandr(iv)a 50 Points

Win the game as Figure

Bigswordia 100 Points

It doesn't get any better than this

Afittingendia 5 Points

Die in a puddle of blood

Author Comments



Dad buff! He gets more exp not only from killing, but also from stomping on brains now. Fun!


also, I've made some changes.

Since the weapon breaking is so situational, it gives you more experience than it used to.

The school shooters from the last levels are fixed now, so they don't feed off of each other's presence when shooting you, which could result in some unfair damage.

The last boss' aggro range has been reduced so that she doesn't spawn enemies when you are still outside of her chamber.

It's Picoday again!

Choose your character and relive the goth school shooting of your past!

The game is clunky and sluglike (not fast and with sticky fluids involved!), go and tell your mom!

You can move [arrow keys], shoot [x to ready and arrow keys to shoot] and do nothing [return] in this roguelike adventure!

The game is only 6 colours!

All of your enemies are kids!

The game gets really hard near the end!

Expect floor curses that spawn more puddles on the floor!

The water puddles make your melee weapon rot, the blood puddles damage you, the purple puddles are actually brains and contain experience (may be negative, though) and the invisible puddles are weedsmoke and heal you!

All four characters have some special passive abilities and their level 1 stats differ, but they gain the same amount of stats when levelling up, so the stat differences are more important near the beginning of the game rather than the end.

I may add medals tomorrow; I'm too tired now, I've been working on this crap the whole day and my head hurts.

Have fun ^.^

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This game is awesome unfortunately the medals still don't work, I bet it as Dad and still nothing.

Been playing this game sometimes.
This game is very difficult.
Almost reach the last stage as Pico and fail many times.
I do beat this game one as Dad but I don't remember it.

Later I found some glitches for speedrun and walk though wall.

medals dont work and game is not fun

Notabla responds:

Crap, the medals don't work because I still haven't uploaded the version with medals, sorry. I thought they won't be visible on NG until I do so ^.^'
And yeah, the game was made in a hurry for the Picoday celebrations, I didn't put too much effort into it.
EDIT: I uploaded the version with medals today; they should work now.

I think the medals are not working.. I killed the one eyed kid but got no medal...
edit: Medals work.

Notabla responds:

Sorry, I haven't uploaded the build that supports medals because I haven't tested them out yet, so I'd be shocked if they did work. I thought that they are hiden on the game's page for now, sorry for the inconvinience ^.^'
EDIT: I uploaded the version with medals today; they should work now.

Credits & Info

3.01 / 5.00

May 6, 2023
7:25 PM EDT