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Nene's interactive suicide 2023

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Author Comments

I was going to add more deaths into it with new rooms, but I'm really bad at meeting deadlines so I'll add the extra ones later. I'm still learning how to use Godot, but this is a pretty simple game. The artstyle changes slightly in some of the animations: I can't keep a consistent artstyle.


  • Animation by me
  • Coding by me
  • art by me
  • voice acting by me
  • sound effects from free sound
  • script is a modified version of the original
  • music idk I couldn't find the name
  • nene is not by me
  • beta testing by Crimson8113

Also, don't be like Nene. Don't commit suicide. Trust me: it's not worth it in the long term.


Update 28/09/2024: I remade the entire game in Godot 4 and converted all the animation videos into OGV files so now there should be no issue with the animations bugging out! There's also that little menu at the beginning and everything has been scaled to 1080p so if the sprites look a little low quality, that's why.

Itch version

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oh god i love this
the voice acting make it more funnier
i would love if the game get updated and you add the others deads
the thing that the images get bugged and stay there ruin it a bit but the game its stil very good (sorryfor my bad english))))

RosieUV responds:

It's a webm thing with godot 3, it's on my to-do list to remake this in godot 4.

no se pueden omitir escenas ademas de que duran mucho cada una, tambien se glitchea la partida mostrandote los anteriores cadaveres (no se si esto fue aproposito o no) y por ultimo, el juego no posee animaciones haciendolo mas aburrido, una basura para ser un juego muy visitado

the game is so bad then the animations dosent work i was waiting por a better game but no XD the interactive part is good but the rest of the game dosent work please fix that 😓

its so sad the game does not work ;(3
5/10 for the art
nenesinteractivesuicideshouldvebeenacanongametard approves

Credits & Info

3.27 / 5.00

May 6, 2023
12:34 PM EDT
  • Audacity
  • Godot Engine
  • Pencil2D Animation
  • MediBang Paint Pro