Ok I see,
how this movie got its name. But Ill give you some points because the ninja looked cool.
Ok I see,
how this movie got its name. But Ill give you some points because the ninja looked cool.
You're not funny
bad joke,nice ninja
What the hell was that?
Is that it? Did something go wrong when you uploaded it or something? That can't be a serious submission?!?
great movie. I loved the fight scene. And that monster thing was the coolest thing ever. Although that computer in the room with chromos needed a better keyboard and since that ninja is from china he is prolly buddihst and wouldnt say "for christ's sake" but other than that this was the best movie i have ever seen.
Not bad...
Not bad....Coulda used smoother animation...and some of the sounds kind of took away from it...like the laugh....and the kamehame sound when the guy didn't even do much...
Also...the story line....seems kinda....I dunno...
BuuuuuT, overall it was pretty good, the black thing...whatever it was...looked really sweet
good job