walking is really slow
pixel art is really nice
QoL Update https://joedman593.newgrounds.com/news/post/1359763
Diablo/PoE inspired project (WIP, no sound yet)
Tab | Weapon Swap
M | Map
I | Inventory Menu
A | Attribute Menu
S | Skill Menu
V | Vendor Shop (Respite Zone only)
H | Stash (Respite Zone only)
Esc O | Close Menus / Options Menu
Shift | Stop Character
Space | Show items on ground
Z X | Zoom In/Out of Screen
Any Key | Exit Death Screen
Q W E R T D F G M1 M2 | Activate assigned Skill/Item
Right Click (while Skill Drag) | Cancel Skill Drag
Channeling Skills
- Hold down skill's hotkey to activate
Respite Zone
- Areas with level zero sub level
- You can open Vendor & Stash menus in respite zones
Inventory Item Stack
- [Ctrl + Click] on an item to take from its stack
Inventory & Stash
- You can take/store items by dragging & dropping items or
- [Shift + Click] on an inventory item will move it to Stash
- [Shift + Click] on an stash item will move it to Inventory
- [Ctrl + Shift + Click] on an item with stacks will transfer it 1 stack per click
Inventory & Vendor
- You can buy/sell items by dragging & dropping items or
- [Shift + Click] on an inventory item will sell it
- [Shift + Click] on an vendor item will buy it
- [Ctrl + Shift + Click] on an inventory item with stacks will 1 stack per click
Check out @joedman593 for previous updates
i'll be posting on itch too for future updates
walking is really slow
pixel art is really nice
use [haste] skill
You can cheese the game with [valor], [haste], [glory]. level those skills in that order.
[valor] for sustain, [haste] for speed, [glory] for resource pools. speed will increase buff duration and decrease channeling duration
Edit: game has been updated, player moves faster now, and earlier levels are easier