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An End... 10 Points

Beat the game.

Journey's End. 50 Points

Beat the game with no deaths, unlocking the true ending.

Fast hedgehodg...,,, 50 Points

Beat the game in under three minutes.

Premature End... 5 Points

Go get blowed up and die. (i don't have many ideas for these)

Author Comments

NOTE: There's a bit of audio desync present when playing on Firefox. Idk how to fix this... but if it bothers you then I'd recommend switching browsers.

Beat the game with zero deaths for the true ending! (...don't expect anything crazy though.)

The source code can be found here, althought I'm rather new to this whole "game development" thing so take whatever programming practices I use with a pinch of salt.


  • Movement - Arrow Keys
  • Interact - Z/Enter
  • Cancel/Skip dialog - X/Shift
  • Pause - Esc

Additional Credits:

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Treasure Hunt review!

### Aesthetics: 4 / 10

While the maximum-contrast black and white line art certainly has style, it doesn't provide much to look at.

### Originality: 1 / 10

Barely anything new. Just a basic avoider game and a vaguely metaphysical story.

### Challenge: 10 / 10

It's not too hard to beat, but provides an extremely difficult extended goal for special players like me. I see bivn saying below me that he took 8 hours to get the hardest medal, but I took less than one :3

### Fun factor: 5 / 10

Whether or not you're going for the hard medals, this game can feel like a chore at times. You have to push yourself through the game while it keeps punishing you. There's little sense of action. Still, it feels good to learn the patterns and get them right eventually.

### Content: 5 / 10

It's kind of on the short side, but I very much appreciate the inclusion of quality-of-life features to help you get the medals, namely the timer and permadeath options.

### Total: 25 / 50

(The Treasure Hunt review score is different from the standard Newgrounds review score because it uses different criteria.)

Ghilsh responds:

very insightful review, thanks for checking it out!

Oh boy that was a hard game. After more than 8 hours i finally got the hardest medal of the game and it was worth it. Now there's only two spots left for the first users to unlock that medal so good luck to anyone who want to get it after me :)

Ghilsh responds:

never would've thought that someone would invest so much time into something i made lmao, very glad you enjoyed!

Nice game, but hard to complete it without deaths

nice game is hard and hitbox not clear

Ghilsh responds:

fair enough

this is super difficult due to movement speed and hitbox, but i believe it should be doable

Ghilsh responds:

according to the medal data, 11 players have managed to reach the end (35 users have obtained the medal for dying, for reference), so yeah it's very much is doable. you're far from the only person to complain about the hitbox though, so i'll definitely be taking that into consideration moving forward.

can't say i'd personally chalk the difficulty up to the speed and hitbox though. i consciously made the level design itself rather challenging, and i think most people get used to the hitbox after a short while. that's not to invalidate your feelings on the game however, if it was a large detraction from your enjoyment of it then that's fair enough.

Credits & Info

3.49 / 5.00

Apr 8, 2023
4:07 PM EDT
  • Audacity
  • Paint.net
  • Godot Engine
  • Live 11