Not bad..
I prefer some more effort: Overall 2. Not so bad, but can be a lot better. Work harder next time man, I believe in you!
i really hope you guys like this, if you do i will make more, write reviews !!!!!!!
Not bad..
I prefer some more effort: Overall 2. Not so bad, but can be a lot better. Work harder next time man, I believe in you!
good, but....
I think maybe if you concentrate a little more in the art the rest wouldn't matter so much, but I know how hard it's to do a flash movie, so keep it up
heh.. k
k, the animation was crap.
The Voice overs were very good, and they were funny.
Too many references to strawberry clock being a cool, when everyone knows he suckith dick.
Genrally ok idea I suppose. Just improve on those graphics and animation.
gee thatks for the tips
um no
dude stop ruining snoops name with your shitty movies its enough and spend a little more time on your animation cuz it just sucks
dude take into consideration that this was my 3rd movie ever so stfu you punk
it was funny.
i liked it.
i also like dog shit.
so that's not saying much...
thatnks i am glad you liked it :)