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Balaba (Morabaraba)

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Balaba (Morabaraba) FIXED :)

A great African game that is a mix of chess and noughts and crosses. Fairly easy to learn and great to play against a friend .

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Look, it seems like it could be fun, but the instructions are in an incredibly tiny font that does not contrast well with the BG, so I am incapable of learning how to play

This Is Just A Variation On 9 Men's Morris.

OrangeGroove responds:

Yes, an African version that is very popular in Malawi :) My AI on this a bit basic, leaving very little room for the player to win...if it gets enough plays I might go back and improve it!

Game is buggy, yo. Enemy pieces are frequently invisible, and I can't move pieces at all

OrangeGroove responds:

Hi, Ive sorted all the bugs out, should be a lot more fun now you can see the opponents pieces on the board LOL

the concept is good, but i can't move the piece. somehting stock in the programmation and doesn't recognize the click on the piece. played on googgle chrome

OrangeGroove responds:

All fixed, new version posted :)

This makes me want to try this game in real life, yeah unfortunately it's having a hard time running for me it got stuck twice right when I was at the computers last piece. (Update) I feel you on the tech end my camera is from 2008 and the software is 2012 I can put out 720p at best lmao I am following love the games ill play them all with time. (UPDATE 03/17) Now that it is working this is on my favorites. Still not getting how capture pieces at the end though

OrangeGroove responds:

Thanks for the feedback. I'm a newbie to newgrounds and the ruffle emulator, so I am
grateful to know things are not working...I discovered to my horror that everything I've put up is working enough that I haven't bothered play testing it - but also running just broke enough to make it seem like I'm slightly mental posting dysfunctional games LOL. I will try getting it to work like it does in flash and hopefully post a better version soon. The rocks and board version I first discovered in Malawi when played with a friend, is as fun and challenging as chess. My AI here was very primitive, programmed to win with no mercy or fault, is like playing against the terminator and its fairly unplayable/fun compared to the real thing...

My other game posted a few days ago is a real disaster - from level 2 till 10 the soundtrack breaks, glitches and cranks the cpu to 100%, wtf? i spent a day trying out different solutions but with no cure. After more research on Ruffle I discovered that the emulation is a knock off version of what was a highly evolved commercial product: Looks like a Porsche but don't feel like Porsche! Reverse engineering software is so cyberpunk and Ruffle is great, but I realize we basically using a back alley Porsche. If you look under the hood and discover a toyota engine don't be surprised you can't get to 260km an hour!

Mame has proved that even if you have a machine with a 100 * more powerful processing and with a 1 000 000 * more memory, you still can't reproduce a virtual version of a game. The essence is lost, it's system, it's hardware, the feeling that made the original great. I figure that a game created and perfected at a different moment in tech is lost if the hardware/software/interface is separated. The whole being greater than the parts - my argument being that no digital version of pinball has ever captured the infinite physics of a metal ball bouncing around a wooden box, enough to convince me that virtual pinball is better or even equal to its analog version.

Am I being morbid in thinking Ruffle/Newgounds is actual an old age retirement home for the crippled and walking dead - the flash devs of old, looking to relive their glory dayz? A place to weave a myth about a moment we can only ever re-experience as an emulation playing back at half the frame rate as the audio is reduced to glitchcore. A place for geeky wannabe coders to rant like drunken sailors about their great and tragic journeys into oblivion as their tech devolved into present day void. LOL

Credits & Info

3.14 / 5.00

Mar 10, 2023
12:58 PM EST