This Is The Windows 3D Maze SrceenSaver
Credit to Game Design with Reilly
still a bit shitty and able to be glitched easily
This Is The Windows 3D Maze SrceenSaver
meh, kinda cool
The textures of the walls are a bit stretched.
You're using Construct 3 which I guarantee you should not be your everyday tool unless you are a new developer.
Please use another game engine or just make a 3d game in C#, Java, etc.
Tutorials if you like:
(all i could find)
Thank you for your understanding
boring and glitchy. i know it says "still a bit shitty and able to be glitched easily" but its still not a game and can be made in unity in 5 seconds
update 2/25/24: i glitched out by pressing A and S and going to that wedge thingy and the wall at the same time, its easier done than said
its a tech demo
I managed to glitch out of the wall just by walking by the sloped part
i didn't know how to fix that, sorry