Interesting. How did you make this? (Pardon my ignorance...I know nothing about building games, other than that it involves programming)
A unlimited procedural generated dungeon crawler with 2Player support! loot chests and and get rare armore sets, along with several weapons with elemental effects. If you cant equip armor pieces, remove them by unequiping your armor with the left mouse button and then re-equiping them in a different order. you can buy in the shop by clearing out the eĀ”area and unequiping everything and then pay with your levels to get said locked item.
The game is still in progress, so it's VERY unstable but id still like to hear opinions and crtiscism. Tell me the highest level that you reached! :)
Y= revive R= Reset game
Player 1
Arrow keys = move
Shift = pickup, open chest
Ctrl = unequip weapon, move weapon
Space = attack
Mouse click = unequip armor
Player 2
W,A,S,D = move
E = pickup, open chest
Q = unequip weapon, move weapon
F = attack
Mouse click = unequip armor
Interesting. How did you make this? (Pardon my ignorance...I know nothing about building games, other than that it involves programming)
Oh its just the portals check if there is free space behind them and i set a random location for enemies to spawn in the room along with its corresponding portals
best game :3
i want to see more.
super cool coding - love the option for 2 player
thanks b :)