I want to help you to get 3... 2.99? It is bad... :(
However, this worths 5!!! THANK YOU!
Drag the comments that drop down into whichever bin they belong to! Be careful though, dropping a comment into the wrong bin will result in you losing 1 life. Lose all your lives, and it's game over!
After 1 minute, the comments will start moving around to create more challenge.
I want to help you to get 3... 2.99? It is bad... :(
However, this worths 5!!! THANK YOU!
This game is currently attractive to players. I also tried playing. And I feel this game is very interesting and creates a sense of relaxation [URL=https://coreballgame.com/][color=#FFFFFF][size=1]coreball[/size][/color][/URL] for me.
Artificial difficulty via intentional bad game design is still artificial difficulty via intentional bad game design, come at me bro with your "That is intentional to create more challenge.", this game's gameplay is mega crap and nothing will change that.
Not to mention it's ugly, has no music whatsoever and is such a lazily put idea that I could probably recreate it easily on my own under 2 hours top.
Good vibes only
not really though
thats pretty neat
That was intentional to create more challenge.