I'm so moved by this I want to weep.
Ok here's the thing this was originaly
13mbs i tryed everything i could to make
it smaller sorry 56k
I'm so moved by this I want to weep.
I couldn't follow
Everything just kept backflipping. Was he trying to shoot himself in the beginning. And then the fight scene just stops. I gave humor higher because it's so bad it's funny.
You are what is wrong with society
Andrew: As if it's not bad enough that you're a goddamn terrible animator (which could be remedied if you watched your tweens, there, retard) but you had to go and desecrate T? This isn't art! This isn't even ENTERTAINMENT!
Great graphics, but what is the point?
This thing (i really cant call it a movie) is a piece of retarded platapus shit. WTF is it?
It has no point at all. Wut a waste of time