It's been a bit! I've been off on my own game development adventures, so I figured I'd come back to check this out! A lot cool things have been implemented! Now, let me go in depth and start by talking about my old review:
- I don't know if it was always here, but Pouchie can now run! This is very exciting, running has made the game a lot more fast paced and more careful with my movements.
- Enjoying the Jerries and more enemies! I also love the varying level designs, new challenges, platforms and gimmicks! The 1-UPs are very much appreciated too.
- Bootstrappers are now in the same style as the others, and Boomer looks good now! Last time I played, I remember he was scaled up, but now he's looking good to "boot", haha.
- Menu music is also very much appreciated, its making typing this review a lot more enjoyable!
- I don't know if this was an issue that always happens, but I swear when I booted to Level 6, I had the health carry over from the previous stage, which confused me when I got killed in one hit.
- Speaking of Stage 6, I believe this was the one with the platforms that move fast. Pouchie had gotten stuck and unable to move on one of the platforms, it wasn't until I let go of every button that he could move again.
- The somewhat bouncy quality of enemies is still there. Sometimes it sends me flying in a direction that I do not want to go in.
- The collision on the switches had sent me hurtling into one of the abysses of the penultimate stage.
- I think it would be neat if Pouchie, after running long enough, is able to dash into enemies. Maybe some cartoony slapstick as he dashes into them, a cloud when the characters in those old shows would fight. Obviously not stopping movement, but a nice little callback.
- Speedrun timers! I think Pouchie has the potential to be a game that can be speedran, with the running, I found myself beating levels I've played quicker than before. Maybe a little timer up top to show how long you've taken so far!
- Cutscenes like Sonic Mania and Pizza Tower have! Between worlds in Sonic Mania's DLC, it shows how Sonic travels from world to world, setting up a story in between. Pizza Tower has an intro cutscene when Peppino is heading to the titular Pizza Tower, maybe a silent cartoon type cutscene can be done at the start to set up why Pouchie is going through these levels?
I stand by my sentiment, this is shaping up to be a really fun game! I had a lot more fun with this version than the last one I played. Looking forward to 0.5!