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NEIGH - Flying Monster Simulator

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I added a title screen! Now you got the controls!


Touch control compatible, and also mouse compatible too. Just click the screen.

  • W A S D - Movement

  • I - Succ

  • K - Spew

  • L - Noise

  • J - Attract Protective Clouds


Your goal is to not starve.

Your hunger slowly grows overtime.

If your hunger meter is empty, the starvation timer will start. Once the timer runs out, you lose health.

You have to suck up your prey using the up arrow, but you cannot do that unless they see you.

Once they see you, they turn red.

You must catch their attention by making noise right above them using the right arrow.

You can attract protective clouds (iu_826023_8408694.png) with the left arrow. They protect you from bullets, but not balloons. Be careful! They also block incoming prey from getting sucked up, sometimes.


iu_826006_8408694.png : Pedestrians. Easy prey. Once they see you, you can suck them up just fine.

iu_826011_8408694.png : Cowpokes put down Horse Statues once they notice you, but aside from that, they're just as easy to suck up.

iu_826016_8408694.png : Horse Statues are a nuisance. If you suck them up, they clog up your Succ, leaving you unable to suck up your prey. If you suck them up, you can spit them out with the down arrow.

You can tell that your Succ is clogged by the meter at the bottom left of the screen.

iu_826015_8408694.png : Gunners can actually harm you. Once they are aware of you, they will fire their weapons at you. Avoid the bullets.

iu_826017_8408694.png: Researchers can also harm you. Once aware, they acquire a protective coating (iu_826020_8408694.png) that you must spew away with the down arrow. They have to be red before you suck them up. Otherwise, you lose health if you eat them.

iu_826021_8408694.png : Lastly, Riders are probably the most deadly. You cannot suck them up, and covering them in blood makes them even more deadly. They also release balloons (iu_826024_8408694.png) , which instantaneously take your health away if you bump into them.

A short mini-game I whipped up over my free time. I was struck by the Jordan Peele movie "NOPE" months ago, so I guess this is my tribute. Not exactly the greatest, but I am sick of looking at this project lmao. Enjoy.

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a nice game, but the arrow key controls make the page scroll. :(

hippie6x3 responds:

I'll have to remap the controls at some point! Thank you for making this known.


Fun concept! I wish there was more feedback for what I could and could not suck up, and what actions I need to take to do so, but I was able to figure it out with some experimentation. Maybe start with just a couple kinds of victims and add more as time goes on?

hippie6x3 responds:

I made it so that whenever the people are aware of your presence, they turn red. So when they're red, you can suck them up!

That last bit makes sense, but I feel like I'd have to reserve that for if I made more types of prey to suck up. I could only come up with the 6 that I came up with already.. but I'll keep that in mind if I expand on this any more than I already have! Thanks :-)

Credits & Info

3.04 / 5.00

Dec 2, 2022
6:09 AM EST
  • Construct 3