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fringe bird

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you can go through the floor and ceiling

you might actually have to click to start but hey im not exporting this again man are you crazy that took ages

collect coins

avoid pillars

go upside down

that's pretty much it

yt: Biomechanical Kazoo

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Now when you have basic flappy bird try to make something from it.

EathanGames responds:

i have no idea what the tone of this comment is so
yes this is just my flappy bird
but i made it from scratch just as something to improve my game developing skills
i just called it fringe bird to avoid it getting taken down
not to pass flappy bird off as my own
hope that clears things up for you if you were wondering

Just sayin' nobody can copyright video game genres, so that DMCA was fucking fraudulent.

Imagine tho how many games would be taken down only because platformers are so common.

EathanGames responds:

someone reported it bc it was a flappy bird remake and ng just took it down
the game doesn't have music or anything so it was just because "it's like flappy bird therefore is copyrighted content" like what

Credits & Info

2.58 / 5.00

Nov 14, 2022
7:56 PM EST