While I do think that the demo is good at the same times I do have a few problems with it. Firstly It feels like the enemy spawn is just random with you getting a large amount of enemy's all in one space on the first level and like 3 enemy's later on, at the start it fells like the game is being unfair. Secondly I find the juice system interesting but at the same time not fun. Sometimes I just get movement power ups, a better version would be having it so theirs variety, a good example is just having it so my options are a movement, bullet, and enemy related power ups. Finally it feels like some power ups are just better than others. The wing power up is just better than low gravity and double jump together (also its a bit OP). Finally the karma system is good but there is no real advantage for getting good karma. The demo semes to have potental and is reletivly good.