it's rated e but it will be changed after i add meth
also on itch
By the way i recommend playing it in fullscreen but idk how to maek fullscreen on newgrounds so i recommend you to play it on itch
walking out for love
I'm walking out really down
In the cool breeze, I'm gonna be late again
Driver wait for me, please
I'm running all in vain
Tryna catch this train
Time don't fool me no more
I throw my watch to the floor
It's gone crazy, time don't do it again
Now I'm stressed and strained
Anger and pain in the subway train
Now it's half past two
Long gone the rendezvous
Now it's half past three
Time made a fool out of me
Now it's half past four
Baby, can't you see?
No use in waiting no more
It's a timing tragedy
I think it's nine when the clock says ten
This girl wouldn't wait for the out of time
Out of time, man
Time don't fool me no more
I throw my watch to the floor
It's gone crazy, time don't do it again
Now I'm stressed and strained
Anger and pain in the subway train
Now it's half past three
Long gone the rendezvous
Now it's half past three
Time made a fool out of me
Now it's half past four
Baby, can't you see?
No use in waiting no more
It's a timing tragedy
I think it's nine when the clock says ten
This girl wouldn't wait for the out of time
Now it's half past two
Long gone the rendezvous
Now it's half past three
Time made a fool out of me
Now it's half past four
Baby, can't you see?
No use in waiting no more
It's a timing tragedy
Now it's half past two
Long gone the rendezvous
Now it's half past three
Time made a fool out of me
Now it's half past four
Baby, can't you see?
No use in waiting no more
It's a timing tragedy
Now it's half past two
Long gone the rendezvous
Now it's half past three
Time made a fool out of me
Now it's half past four
Baby, can't you see?
No use in waiting no more
It's a timing tragedy
I think it's nine when the clock says ten
This girl wouldn't wait for the out of time
Out of time, man
add meth now
this is the best game i ever seen i love breaking bad
best game on