I had some pretty significant issues understanding how the game worked (even though the instructions and video did help a lot), but this was still pretty cool! The art, music and SFX were really charming and... I want to use the word "wacky", but I feel like that's underselling it. The closest comparison I can think of off the top of my head is something like Warioware, but this still has its own distinct flavor. The art and sound went together so well, though, it really felt like you two were 100% on the same wavelength when making this game!
The gameplay was where I never really ended up clicking, though. I started by playing on mobile, but I had to switch over to desktop after a little bit. The characters were really tiny for a game that requires a fairly high level of precision, and my finger got in the way of seeing where I was dragging them. Plus, there's a ton of unused space on the top and bottom, which exacerbated the issues I had on mobile. I did end up having a better experience after switching to desktop, though. I hope to see more of the plumos in the future though, they're pretty neat little guys!