extremely stupid
please do not ever submit anything else again you are so stupid. (if you want to rule the portal this is not how to do it)
p.s. get better and i will give better reviews
Watch this shit go down. Help me rule the portal. We will rule over all of the clocks!!! Join the "Flash Revolution" and you too will be one with the revolutiona against the CLOCKS!. Viva la resistance! (BRADY For Sign Ups!)
extremely stupid
please do not ever submit anything else again you are so stupid. (if you want to rule the portal this is not how to do it)
p.s. get better and i will give better reviews
can be fun if you're high...
You won't take over the portal.
no deal..
it was ok intro but no thanx..
don't you know that people already rule the portal? it's their own decide what they wan't to be..
and don't worry.. clocks will never gonna take over the portal so i say you one thing..
so you are 15? well that ''gang'' is kinda childliss.. from your age's..
well anyway animation was umm.. OK
not good
but if i could i might join the revolution but i cant do flash movies due to the fact i dont know how, i dont a flash creater do u know where i could get one free or something?