I thought the attempt to draw in this flash was none existant and i also thought that the fact there was only sound and no voice overs really lost your chances of getting anywhere with this flash
Well Charlie is back at the Guinness Prime Time studios trying to get a world record. Will he finaly get his record or will something go wrong again?
Also this is the first time I've used a loader so hopefully it works, If not just be patient.
I've got alot more annimations coming so if you happen to like some of mine I'll be releasing more soon.
I thought the attempt to draw in this flash was none existant and i also thought that the fact there was only sound and no voice overs really lost your chances of getting anywhere with this flash
you coppy cat
yo coppied that boob joke from austin powers 3 and i LOVE it.
i wish could do flash
Thanks, I was hoping that someone would recognize were I got that boob thing from.
dude that sucked and it was fucking gay
and you like to blam my movies HA you suck dude...
I have nothing against clock flashes. I've seen some of them and some can get pretty bad, and another thing I probably have never seen your flashes.
Good work...
I have a feeling you're getting close to the "Grand" finale... This was a good addition to "The Charlie" series. This was good, but I absolutely can't wait to see the "Burnt Toast = Seizure" flash. Don't let me down!!!! Or I'll get my gun!!!!!
Not bad, from a fellow Archon. Keep it up. :o
Thanks. I got acouple more episodes coming.