first of all you need more depth in your story line
sencondly you need...
oh hu am i kidding
go the little ninja guy
can u make more
that is long and big and long with ninja killyness??
See what happens when a Ninja finds a flatulent teacher. Protons and ninjas combine to form your ass! Oh, and I made all of the sound effects with my body and scrap metal... That sounded so wrong.
UPDATE: Well, this movie has done much better than I thought it would have... Wow! This is MAJOR encouragement for me to work even harder on my next Ninja movie!
first of all you need more depth in your story line
sencondly you need...
oh hu am i kidding
go the little ninja guy
can u make more
that is long and big and long with ninja killyness??
It is 'Okay' for your first entry, but you DEFINTELY have a lot to work on. Length is the main thing. If you made a flash with the same quality of this, but 2 minutes long it would be pretty good.
you went for the short and sweet style. it was short but it wasnt sweet. it needs to be more random to be funnier. designs were good, keep em.
OK well that was very short, but the ninja was cool, nice animation helped out alot, and the little voices made me laugh, anyways great job...
Thanks for the review, I very much appreciate it.
WAOH!! Yuo aer veryu skield at teh animasino and tihs si varyd godo.
yuo aer definatley teh nxet knig of protal PLS kepe up teh good WORKZS THIS IS VREY GOOD SONO TO BE DAILY FIEATRE AND RANKED NUMBAR OEN!!!!111!!!!!
Thanks, man. I'm glad you liked it.