i saw one of your flash movies and made up my mind right away
this is super crap.
and i don't want to see anything else of it
and what's up with the damn clock thing
can't you be more creative ???
because this was just lame.
objects with a clock as face.
if there would be one clock movie on whole newgrounds it probally would be intresting and new.
but since there are 1000000 of them out there it's just lame and pointless
the movie was fun until those frickin clocks apeared.
and what's up with the hidden frame in the movie
i saw one frame that fly by pretty fast.
in that frame i saw a guy in a fursuit that said I LIKE TO YIFF.
is that some kind of hidden message you try to tell us ?
it's okay you like yiff but don't try to infect our minds with it okay its just plain disturbing........ O.O