Hilarious presentation, i like the simple graphics and game play as well as the nice little background music
It’s only a matter of time before you get fired, stay hired at Corp and co :)
type the symbols before they disappear, remember to do it in order.
the keys are:
But your boss might also want to talk with you :/
sfx from zapsplats
made for LD50
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Hilarious presentation, i like the simple graphics and game play as well as the nice little background music
It took me a while to understand the game. I think a tutorial or some text in the beginning would be helpful.
Also.. lmao.. I love the humor in this game. Great job on that!
Really simple game and pretty straight to the point. Which I appreciate! I would have liked some more audio to this. I think that would also amp the humor a bit. Maybe some voice acting on the boss or something - it wouldn't even have to be good voice acting. Some keyboard stroke sounds on the button presses would be nice too I think.
It's a bit weird that once you miss a letter, and you press the key coming up next, it tells you it's wrong. It's especially weird if that letter you missed is really far gone and there's a lot of letters left on screen. Putting them in sequence might make the game too easy.. but it would be good for the player to at least have a chance to find the sequence when there's a lot of letters on the screen at once and you missed one letter. I feel like sometimes I AM pressing the right letter, but there's some letter off screen I didn't press so the game tells me I'm doing it wrong. This is probably my biggest gripe with the game.
For a simple game like this - score is great. Having something like the numbers of letters typed, or maybe even bosses dodged, would be a lot of fun. It would add slight replayability.
Fun small game!
Thanks for all the feedback :D The game was made for ludum dare 50, during a 2 day rush. So there's definitely a lot of things missing, that I'd like to add. Originally there was supposed to be a static highscore, that would just go "You didn't make it to the highscore".
For a fuller game I'd definitely add a highscore counter. There was a bunch of other mechanics, like more boss interactions, getting coffee or the screen gets blurry. But I just didn't have time :/ I might make a more full build, after the LD50.
Also the bug with the letter sequence is something I'd have to look into, it should just be the letter furthest from the spawn :/