the music is so badass dude
The best clock out there.
the music is so badass dude
If I could I would rate this about an... -37,988 if I could, and that's just being nice...YOU SUCK
No...Never again...
Wow...that was so horrible I almost didn't rate it. It was so bad it doesn't even deserve a 0. POS (Piece of shit)
i wish i could select "shit" for overall score
what the hell man. im gonna try to make this constructive even tho u r basically screwed with this one. theres no sense in having a start button without a preloader.
I'm not impressed
k tristan, NO! stop putting poo on the portal. find something good to do and stick with it! ok i dont think ive ever seen a worse video, litterly. dude come on man i didnt know u could go that low. Not impressed....