10 hours?
i could do that in 1
Its ok i spent 10 hours on it tried hard and i think its good
10 hours?
i could do that in 1
Nice Try
Its good for a begginer, but.... you should learn to work flash, 10 hours is a long time for that, I KNOW YOU CAN DO BETTER! nice music, :)
i reviewed your other flash 2 anyway..i never siad this before but..FUCK THOSE DICKS..fuckin assholes..there so mean..i NEVER cursed before but that makes me sick..!!! dude that shark looks real..i cant draw ANY better then you...seriously forget what they say..i think your good at flash..just ignore them..i think you tried hard..-hug-
Try aigain, you need a better shark, Artist and story to make a good movie
dude get real
do not watch this trust me its crap {and wheres the baby shark?}