Sad. Barely a game. Clunky UI. What's wrong with buttons, since each upgrade option can only be bought once? Or just purchasing the next upgrade when space is pressed?
Space to buy something
Z to Toggle Music
(Music made by me in MIDI, sorry it sucks)
When buying something:
when you want to buy something, put the number behind it on the list, it will say "BOUGHT!" after. A upgrade will ONLY appear if you have enough money to see it (still working on that btw)
This is a port of one of my scratch games
in the future I will change to a diff engine so when I make a game for newgrounds it's not as bad as this.
Newgrounds will now get the updates first (even before the orignal post on scratch) because they way I port the scratch engine files to HTML, so you get the updates first
PS: v1.5 will be an over haul of the upgrade system, I hope to have a lot more upgrades, and maybe change it from text to buttons.
Sad. Barely a game. Clunky UI. What's wrong with buttons, since each upgrade option can only be bought once? Or just purchasing the next upgrade when space is pressed?
I know it's sad, i'm really sorry that it's like this, but this is still an early beta, and I'm trying to fix things, but thank you for telling me your real opinion, now I know what to focus on, i'll try to fix the game.
The process seems cool. Maybe make a few items you can buy depending on the money you got.
Not quite sure about the upgrade system, but it's still good.
thanks for the feedback, I'll try to make it better when I update it again
doesnt load on ng but on scratch its pretty cool
thanks, I'll try to see if the problem is with the code or the porting.