Neat concept, sloppy execution.
I really liked your idea of spawning randomized trap rooms with a rapid switch mechanic. It's pretty neat. Also the style of the game is quite charming with the synth-y music and crude human basic shapes. Very endearing.
The design is quite bad. The game is brutally hard and unfair. Most "Alive" enemies can fuck right off, specifically the lime charger and the zombie. Zombies do not have a predictable pattern to their movement, making them nigh-impossible to avoid and a very cheap death. Lime chargers are just unbalanced, and you can't play around them due to their speed.
The random trap placement is also just.. bad. It's sloppy and doesn't have a difficulty curve. You could have a deadzone room with a challenge of standing still or ZombieCharger combo on the second one.
Anyway I suggest you polish this and you'll have a decent game.