Inversion is a 2D platformer puzzle game where two players must come together to win.
The game was made during the Global Game Jam 2022, in which the theme was duality.
The original concept of the game was a split screen where you control a player on the left and a player on the right with inverted movement. The goal of the game was to move both players to a certain location in order to progress to the next level. We ended up pivoting to a better mechanic where both players have to collide in order to win.
The game was bootstrapped from phaser-platformer. We used Phaser as the game engine and Tiled as the map editor. The code can be found on GitHub. Read the blog post.
Build-up momentum is a bit low, and boxes were a bit underused, but not bad overall.
Great concept. Seems a bit too reliant on built-up momentum to me, but that's about it
not that bad. i wish you guys were able to make the players not walk off the screen. i have no idea if this was for challenge, but since i was able to cheese Level 10 by jumping off the top of the screen, it feels like putting a border would have been a good idea. this does mean you would have to change some of the levels, but i think this game would be more difficult. this game is pretty easy, so i would have liked to see some more challenge on here.
another gripe i have is the jump momentum. the walking controls feel fine, it's just jumping that is weird to me. if you make small movements while jumping, you only move a few pixels. it just feels a little too heavy for my own liking, especially when i was trying to play this game carefully. for little nudges of movement, i would like for the jump to feel a bit looser. but aside from that, controls are fine.
i also would have liked some sounds. if there's going to be no music, then please put sound effects. it just feels real dry without it.
you guys did a pretty fine job though, especially for a game jam. best of luck to you winning this jam!