You really feel like you are the flute person symphony
if the page keeps scrolling from pressin arrow keys, try clicking inside the game window!
if it doesnt stop then, then i have to find a fix later
made for "game a week 2022"
feels nice to be back on NG!
Sadly I narrowly missed the pixelday :(
You really feel like you are the flute person symphony
too many forced Space presses: more comfortable would be watching notes i press all requared dirrections behind the scene - to initiate challenge.
* i dont want to move hand to space bar and then search for comfortable position again...
* and terrible ending! i have to listen this noise while writing comment, it is torture: Score 0of5
* always different notes, i mean sounds and pressed button, i understood it was some kind of joke "if it is intentionally bad, so it must be good" - but it never work with me
* game controls are so advanced that cant support a mouse... just cut area of screen by big X and that's all you need to play on your phone
* i want to replay the game - no way to return on title screen, why "because who would want to play this garbage" - if you are not a fan of your own work, why to create it at all?
Really enjoy the quick, simple, and fun gameplay!
Surprisingly good, I love the quirky art style, this is probably the only "simple game" which I think is already perfect for what it is, anything you add to it would just hurt everything that's already in it, that's part of it's true beauty