A little rough around the edges,
ultimately its alright
A little rough around the edges,
ultimately its alright
i can see this having potential
Blue team has the unfair power to warp reality on its side, by this joke I mean the arrow keys scroll the window cause the game doesn't have scroll lock. Could be fixed with a full screen feature.
Also as I write this I just tested on another browser and it seems to just be an issue on chrome cause firefox is fine. Also my friend was getting really mad cause I kept catching him in the corners lol, I told him Id suggest some kind of knock back feature so you can get a better chance to break out when you get caught like that. We had a fun time with it for a little bit, good job dude.
Edit: just wanted to mention one other glitch I noticed so you have a full report on glitches, this one is consistent across all browsers, blue team can infinetly pick up the health and it doesnt go away. But red always makes it go away the first time. Game was still really fun anyways though.