Spam flash. The Graphics are lots of Sprite cans. The control feature of rotating the can did not work out very well. If you changed up the controls that would have been much better.
Hold left click to rotate sprite, TIMING IS KEY, get the right rhythm going!
folow me on newgrounds for epic sprite based racing games
damn i think im pretty good at this >: )
Spam flash. The Graphics are lots of Sprite cans. The control feature of rotating the can did not work out very well. If you changed up the controls that would have been much better.
I think more people should push the limits like you have here but regardless i had fun reviewing this game, So I did like what you got going here now thats not to say that it cant be better though maybe some added animations and backrounds, or something
this game made me stop drinking pepsi and made me drink sprite
I'm in love with the sprite can. The curves of the can make my hair rise like the fizz on the tip of the can. I wish sprite was a person theyd be so hot and spicy. with the lust of 1000 McDonalds in them. I just want to not be alone anymore. I want to be with Sprite. Please God. Let me be with Sprite! I just want love.... to be loved.... to be drowned by it. I love you Sprite. Please come back...
llama x spreet = spreet possible x amongus fart = match made in HECK
Rule34sprite 🤨